About Us

We are a coalition of foundations, philanthropists, community organizations, researchers and individuals united in commitment to create a future free of preventable food-related disease.

We welcome all that wish to join us. 

The Ultra-Processed Problem

Ultra-processed foods (UPFs) are hyper-palatable, highly profitable food-like products made from modified food substances after multiple stages of industrial processing. These products are often ready-to-consume, low in micronutrients, and calorically dense.

UPFs are linked to endocrine disruption, carcinogen exposure, developmental issues, microplastic accumulation, and microbiome disruption.

  • Linked to metabolic disorders and liver issues when consumed in excess.

  • Bleached and stripped of nutrients, ultra-refined grains are quickly absorbed leading to blood sugar spikes and an increased insulin response.

  • Formed when sugars react with proteins or fats at high temperatures. These compounds can increase inflammation and oxidative stress.

  • Emulsifiers can disrupt the gut microbiome and lead to inflammation.

  • Used as preservatives, can form potentially carcinogenic nitrosamines.

  • Using chemical solvents like hexane to extract oil from seeds, high heat processing creates easily oxidized oils forming free radicals and toxic compounds like aldehydes. Partial hydrogenation can create trans fats.

  • Created through hydrogenation of oils, linked to increased risk of heart disease and other health issues.

  • Formed when starchy foods are cooked at high temperatures, potentially carcinogenic.

  • Preservatives, colorants, and flavor enhancers have various negative health effects.

  • Bisphenols, phthalates, and microplastics leach into food from packaging, can linings, and plastic containers.

The Result

BAD Health.

Ultra-processed food are treacherous for our physical and mental health, with an outsized impact on our most vulnerable populations. 

BAD Economics.

The U.S. ultra-processed food industry produces revenue of $2 trillion, yet ultimately costs society $3.2 trillion in healthcare and lost productivity - that we all pay for.

Our Mission

To advance individual, family, community and societal wellbeing by ending food-related disease caused by ultra-processed foods.

The Science

The science is clear: ultra-processed foods are bad for the mind and body. 

Watch our Webinars to learn from leading scientists.


The Plan

Serving as a bridge, we enable foundations to participate in collective and coordinated action. 

  • Convene learning sessions for coalition stakeholders: foundations, philanthropists, community organizations, researchers and individuals.

  • Recruit and convene stakeholders for collective action (aggregating power) and develop further funding, education, research, and outreach (advocacy) action plans.

  • Engage legislative, executive and judiciary branches of government to eradicate ultra-processed food and causes of food-related disease.

Next Steps


Schedule a call with us.


Join the Funders Coalition to End Food Related Disease.


Eradicate food related disease. 


We look forward to connecting with you.

Meet the Team

  • Nora LaTorre

    CEO, Eat Real Certified


  • Elizabeth Dreicer



  • Thomas Evans

    Program Officer, Samuel Lawrence Foundation


Founding Sponsors